
NOVEMBER 28th, 2006: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Sen. John Kerry, considering a 2nd bid for the U.S. presidency, done gone concluding in a market research free on Monday on the Likeability of 20 top American diplomatic info.

Tuesday morning, November 28th. 9:15 a.m. Russell Senate Office Building. Transcript of a discussion betwixt Senator John Kerry and his principal of staff, Dave.

Kerry: Any accidental they various me up next to Bob?

Dave: No, sir. We restrained with the group at Quinnipiac.

Kerry: Well at lowest possible I came out up of Pelosi. Everybody knows
that female eats her new.

Dave: Pelosi came in 12th. Again, you were motionless closing in the Quinnipiac likeability enquiry of top politicians and potential presidential candidates and we'd be better off computation out what we're active to do going on for repairing your photograph than rehashing everyone other on the list who came in up of you.

Kerry: You're right, you're suitable. It's merely a incongruous common people thought research at any rate. The maximum all important point - wait. What in the region of Hillary? You're not going to archer me...

Dave: Ninth.

Kerry: Son of a! Let me see that list once more.

Dave: I'm not viewing it to you. Can we satisfy change on? I've got several image makeover concept that I'd like-minded to run by you beforehand we recent them to the brimming personnel.

Kerry: Is likeability even a word? I've been looking "Wheel of Fortune" for eld and I never saw likeability onetime. Where's the dictionary?

Dave: First scenario. We get your partner Teresa to become visible on that "Wife Swap" corroborate on ABC.

Kerry: Your jocular. She's a maniac.

Dave: Exactly. Once America has an opportunity to sees your married woman moving a household, all man, woman, tike - region -every pet in this region would reflect on you were a deity.

Kerry: Or an simpleton for putting up with her for all these years.

Dave: Let's try and rest affirmatory. After her demeanour on scheme broadcasting and the allegation of what your habitation enthusiasm essential be like, you can even come to rest different Purple Heart.

Kerry: I don't cognize. I frozen reflect on we're finished reacting to this livelong survey entity. I tight-fisted really, let's keep property in perspective. Bush didn't even spawn the list!

Dave: Fifteenth. He came in at numeral xv.

Kerry: We're chitchat 41, right?

Dave: Forty-three.

Kerrey:(audible vocalization) What other do you have?

Dave: Second script. We ring up Dr. Roux

Kerry: Who's he?

Dave: The medical doctor that unreal that gastric ring road medical science to give a hand fat general public cease intake.

Kerry: I'm not seeing the intersection present.

Dave: We get him to sew your rima oris secure for the next twelvemonth or so until we have adequate circumstance to letters and execute all one-person declaration you double-dyed in local formation the short while after the stitches are abstracted until the day after the election in '08.

Kerry: I'm not even going to ennoble that beside a feedback.

Dave: If you feel you can support that up for a yr - you wouldn't condition the surgery.

Kerry: I've got to be in the Senate in ten report. Anything else?

Dave: Final script. I've just now articulate to their agents who focus this is a bad mental object by the way, and I can story you with Mel Gibson and Michael Richards on their "mea culpa" body expedition that kicks off adjacent Saturday at UCLA. Rush Limbaugh's opening for them on the eastbound seacoast dates to purgation the Michael J. Fox snafu from his demographic and they've got Russell Crowe and Naomi Campbell doing what I perceive is a exceedingly affecting limerick and tango ire government thing for the west seashore dates. Twyla Tharp did the dancing and she's strange. That Billy Joel indicate ran for ever and a day.

Kerry: Not a kismet. First of all, my Iraq jape was aught compared to what Gibson and Richards same. I didn't niggardly to slander anybody, it just came out wrong! I blew the punchline for God sake! Is that the justification America hates me, because I'm a lousy tease teller? Why aren't they going after Conan O'Brien?

Dave: Variety is previously line "mea culpa" this year's Lalapalooza for the linear unit in jaws set.

Kerry: Gingrich?

Dave: Seventeenth.

Kerry: Find out if Dr. Roux takes Blue Cross.

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